About The Catskills Digital Arts School


in Narrowsburg, NY

The Catskills Digital Arts School is located in the charming little town of Narrowsburg, NY, 2.5 hours from of New York City, in the Catskills Mountains in western Sullivan County, NY. We hold our classes in the computer lab, inside of the wonderfully restored Narrowsburg Union school building perched on the hill above town. Though we are not affiliated with the @NarrowsburgUnion, it is a welcoming environment for us to offer our educational services to the community..


Digital Skills to BOOST your Career Opportunities

The Catskills Digital Arts School is dedicated to empowering students with a range of powerful, digital tools to help them advance their careers, grow their businesses, publish, promote, and expand opportunities. Classes and workshops focus on the platforms of promotion, the software and apps to produce digital artworks, how to create typography, graphics, videos, animations and how to build websites. We welcome mature Young Artists (16-18) to join our classes. VIEW OUR CLASSES>



The Catskills Digital Arts School was founded by award-winning Artist Jeffrey Wiener, who built his career as an Art Director and Illustrator in New York. After working in Advertising and Marketing agencies, he launched his own digital design agency YOUNG MIND INTERACTIVE, managing national brands, entrepreneurial clients, and educational institutions, producing their content and promoting their businesses. As an Entrepreneur, Jeffrey has run three creative services businesses, exhibited his own artworks nationally, produced live events and art exhibitions, and published a figurative arts magazine. He’s taught workshops empowering artists of all ages to broaden and achieve their career goals at schools like Art Students League of NY and most recently at SUNY Sullivan.


For Working Artists

Older, working Artists LOVE my classes where we cover the basics of drawing and painting with the iPad. We ALSO offer classes and workshops that focus on the Business-of-Art, with courses covering Advertising, Marketing, and eCommerce. The school’s mission is to empower ALL Artists at any level in their career, teaching them graphic design, video and animation production using professional grade APPS. Jeffrey’s approach of keeping the class moving along at the same speed while providing individuals with hands-on tutorials assures that all students learn all of the skills and concepts taught at the CDA.


For Young Artists

The Catskills Digital Arts School has classes and workshops designed for young artists aged 16 – 18 to help support and encourage their artistic passions, and provide them with practical skills for career development. Most Art Schools do not prepare young artists for the marketplace they will face. I’ve mentored young artists and prepped them for careers like mine for decades. I teach students how to incorporate the software and systems used in business today in order to compete for the new kinds of jobs out there for creative services. At The Catskills Digital Arts School, we focus on the hard work, discipline, and dedication it takes to build a successful and sustainable career in the Creative Services. Learn MORE about the CDA’s Mission>

“After teaching Artists how to draw with the iPad for over a decade, I’ve designed this school to be a “Digital Bootcamp”, where we cover the basics, learning how to draw and paint with iPads, and then on to creating simple graphics and typographic treatments. I’m thrilled to work with Artists who want to learn new things. I’ve helped so many artists get over the fears of technology and into a zone of excitement, progress and accomplishment.”



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